Talent Agencies

So, at that stage, it was quite a journey for you. It likely took you 6 to 12 months to get here, and you're ready to pursue your acting career. But there's one more thing ... the person who has the license to ... get you the job ... the agent. 

Before you start

Talent agencies in British Columbia also act as talent management companies. They need to be licensed and take 15% of what you earn - when you earn.

What do I need to submit to the acting agency in British Columbia?

You should always check the agency's website for detailed instructions on what is expected for submission, but generally, for most agencies, you'll the follwing:

How to find an agency in British Columbia?

A personal referral and recommendation is the best way to find an agent. Talent agencies operating in British Columbia must be licensed, and the official list is provided by the provincial government. But the list contains many entries and does not specify if the talent agency specializes in actors/commercials/background/voice/theatre/dance etc. You have to do the research. And the best way to do the research is going to the IMDBPro, a professional, commercial service for people from the industry that allows you to check the roster of the specific agency. Please do your homework, learn about the agency before sending your submission, and check their listing to find out how many people of your looks the agency already has on their roster. Find the right match for you. Don't just mass spam agencies with your headshots, research first. Please note though, if the agency only focuses on commercials, it'll not be listed on the IMDBPro. 

What should I write in a cover letter to a Talent Agency?

The cover later has to be short, concise and professional.

Sign it 

How long should I wait?

10 business days are standard in British Columbia. It usually takes 3 days to get confirmation that the materials got received. But if you do not hear from the agency within two weeks, you can assume that your materials were reviewed and considered non-suitable. When you're looking for an agent, no news is usually bad news. 

What to ask an agent at an interview?

It's exciting to get signed with an agent, but the interview is a two-way conversation. Before you sign anything, ask the potential agent some questions:

What agent will ask You at an interview?

Depending on your age and experience, you must also be prepared to answer some questions as well.

Why do agencies reject candidates?

Many agencies will not even respond to your email or acknowledge that they've received your submission. Only the biggest agencies do that, nothing personal or entirely personal if you think about it. It is a competitive market. There are 10k actors in British Columbia. Agencies get hundreds of submissions weekly, and only a few new clients can have on a roster to do their job effectively. The common reason is that the agent would conflict with someone already on their roster. If the agency already has someone that looks like you on the roster, then a choice will need to be made about which person to send for casting. Some agencies only work with adult actors. Some agencies are not keen to take a development client (non-working actor or actor without substantial credits). Some agencies only deal with actors that are members of the union. Then, maybe your headshots are not great, or the scenes you've sent with your submission need a little more work. Regardless, keep trying unless you hear a definitive "No" - try again in 6 or 12 months - after you update your headshots, skills, credits and demo reel. Don't give up if you're trying and committed to getting into acting, and nothing can stop you. In this business, you'll hear "No" many more times than you year "Yes," and the same applies to the representation. 

Are you a talent agent operating in British Columbia, and believe we still need to make modifications?  Please let us know immediately by contacting info@bcacting.com, and we'll make suitable adjustments.